Data for Silverlight
DataView Class Methods

C1.Silverlight.Data Namespace : DataView Class

For a list of all members of this type, see DataView members.

Public Methods
Public MethodAdds a new item to the underlying collection.  
Public MethodEnds the edit transaction and, if it is possible, restores the original value of the item.  
Public MethodEnds the add transaction and discards the pending new item.  
Public MethodEnds the edit transaction and saves the pending changes.  
Public MethodEnds the add transaction and saves the pending new item.  
Public MethodReturns a value that indicates whether the specified item belongs to this view.  
Public MethodEnters a defer cycle that you can use to merge changes to the view and delay automatic refresh.  
Public MethodBegins an edit transaction on the specified item.  
Public MethodReturns an System.Collections.IEnumerator object that you can use to enumerate the items in the view.  
Public MethodSets the specified item to be the System.Windows.Data.PagedCollectionView.CurrentItem in the view.  
Public MethodSets the first item in the view as the System.Windows.Data.PagedCollectionView.CurrentItem.  
Public MethodSets the last item in the view as the System.Windows.Data.PagedCollectionView.CurrentItem.  
Public MethodSet the item after the System.Windows.Data.PagedCollectionView.CurrentItem in the view as the System.Windows.Data.PagedCollectionView.CurrentItem.  
Public MethodSets the item at the specified index to be the System.Windows.Data.PagedCollectionView.CurrentItem in the view.  
Public MethodSets the item before the System.Windows.Data.PagedCollectionView.CurrentItem in the view as the System.Windows.Data.PagedCollectionView.CurrentItem.  
Public MethodSets the first page as the current page.  
Public MethodSets the last page as the current page.  
Public MethodSets the next page as the current page.  
Public MethodMoves to the page at the specified index.  
Public MethodSets the previous page as the current page.  
Public MethodRe-creates the view.  
Public MethodRemoves the specified item from the collection.  
Public MethodRemoves the item at the specified position from the collection.  
See Also


DataView Class
C1.Silverlight.Data Namespace