Data for Silverlight
C1.Silverlight.Data Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassSubset of the System.Data.DataColumn class.
ClassProvides data for the ColumnChanging and ColumnChanged events.
ClassList of DataColumn objects.
ClassRepresents a parent/child relationship between two DataTable objects.
ClassCollection of DataRelation objects.
ClassSubset of the System.Data.DataRow class.
ClassHelper class used for building typed DataRow objects.
ClassCollection of DataRow objects.
ClassClass that wraps a DataRow object, used as a base for dynamically-generated classes that expose the DataRow columns as bindable properties.
ClassSubset of the System.Data.DataSet class.
ClassSubset of the System.Data.DataTable class.
ClassList of DataTable objects.
ClassRepresents a bindable view of a DataTable with support for sorting and filtering.
ClassRepresents an action restriction enforced on a set of columns when a row is deleted or updated.
ClassObject that has a Name property.
ClassCollection of named objects, provides string indexer to retrieve objects by name.
ClassRepresents a collection of properties that can be added to a DataSet, DataTable, or DataColumn.
ClassObservable collection similar to the one in System.Collections.ObjectModel but with BeginUpdate/EndUpdate methods used to optionally suppress notifications.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ColumnChanging and ColumnChanged events.
EnumerationIndicates the action that occurs across this constraint when DataSet.AcceptChanges is called.
EnumerationSpecifies the state of a DataRow object.
EnumerationSpecifies how the data in a DataColumn is persisted to XML.
EnumerationIndicates the action that occurs across this constraint when rows are updated or deleted.
See Also


C1.Silverlight.Data.5 Assembly