ComponentOne DataGrid for WPF and Silverlight
Basic Column Filtering
DataGrid for WPF and Silverlight Overview > DataGrid Features > Filtering > Basic Column Filtering

For basic column filtering, simply set the CanUserFilter property to True. This will add a filter column element to the grid's user interface allowing end users to filter the grid via a drop-down box in each column's header.

By default the CanUserFilter property will be set to True and filtering will be enabled. If you need to manually enable basic filtering, you can use the following markup or code:

Copy Code
<c1:C1DataGrid Name="c1datagrid1" Height="180" Width="250" CanUserFilter="True" />

Visual Basic
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Me.C1DataGrid1.CanUserFilter = True
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this.c1DataGrid1.CanUserFilter = true;

See the Filtering Columns topic for more details and examples.