ActiveReports 6 Online Help
Format Property

Gets or sets the format string used to draw the label.
Public Property Format As String
public string Format {get; set;}

The ActiveReports chart control use standard Visual Studio .NET formatting syntax. The format is {Tag : Format}. For example, {Value:C} would format the text as currency. {Value:D} would format the text as a date.

Tag (variable) Description Example
Index Point's index
Value Data value. The same as Value0 for category-based renderers, Value2 - for BubbleXY graphs, etc. {Value}
Value# [1] Zero-based integer indicating series value. {Value0}
Total Series total (sum of all points in this series)
Pct Is equal to Value/Total
Pct[#] Is equal to Value#/Total
Xvalue Point's X-value. X-value for XY-charts. The same as point index for category based charts.
PTotal Sum of all series values on this layer for this point
PPct Is equal to Value/PointTotal


Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


LabelInfo Class
LabelInfo Members

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