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DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
The DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart namespace contains the chart classes.
ClassAxesCollection Represents a collection of axis.
ClassAxis Represents the axis of the chart.
ClassAxisBase Represents the set of properties of an axis.
ClassAxisScroll Represents the scroll bar on an axis.
ClassBackdropItem Represents the backdrop that acts as a separate item and handles mouse events.
ClassBorder Represents the information required to draw the borders of the graph.
ClassBorderSizes Describes the size of the border around the rectangular area.
ClassChartArea Specifies the properties of the chart area.
ClassChartAreasCollection Specifies the settings for the chart areas collection.
ClassChartTypeConfig Represents the settings for the ChartTypeConfig object.
ClassConstantDataProvider For internal use only.
ClassCustomAxis Represents the properties of a custom axis.
ClassCustomDrawEventArgs Represents the properties of the custom draw event arguments for the chart.
ClassCustomProperties Represents the set of custom properties for the chart.
ClassDataPoint Represents the set of properties for a data point.
ClassDataPointsCollection Specifies the settings for the DataPoints collection.
ClassDoubleArray Represents the settings for the DoubleArray class.
ClassDrawCustomizableComponent For internal use only.
ClassDrawCustomizableItem For internal use only.
ClassFontInfo Represents the settings for the FontInfo class.
ClassFormulaDataProvider For internal use only.
ClassGraphMouseEventArgs Represents the properties of the mouse event arguments for the chart.
ClassGraphXmlSerializationContext For internal use only.
ClassGridLayout Represents the settings for the GridLayout object.
ClassHitTest Represents the properties of the HitTest object.
ClassItem For internal use only.
ClassItemComponent For internal use only.
ClassKeyValuePair Represents the settings for the KeyValuePair object.
ClassLabelInfo Represents the settings for the LabelInfo class.
ClassLabelsCollection Specifies the settings for the labels collection.
ClassLegend Represents the settings for the Legend object.
ClassLegendItem Represents the settings for the LegendItem object.
ClassLegendItemsCollection Represents the settings for the LegendItemsCollection class.
ClassLegendsCollection Represents the settings for the LegendsCollection class.
ClassLight Represents the settings of the Light object.
ClassMarker Gets or sets a value to set the marker label distance from the chart.
ClassMouseEnabledComponent For internal use only.
ClassMouseEnabledItem For internal use only.
ClassNumericRangeValidator For internal use only.
ClassPlaneItem Represents the settings for the PlaneItem object used for the chart walls.
ClassProjection Represents the settings of the geometric Projection object.
ClassReferenceDataProvider For internal use only.
ClassSequenceDataProvider For internal use only.
ClassSeries Represents the settings for the Series object.
ClassSeriesCollection Represents the settings for the SeriesCollection class.
ClassSeriesReferenceDataProvider For internal use only.
ClassSeriesReferenceXDataProvider For internal use only.
ClassSeriesReferenceYDataProvider For internal use only.
ClassSeriesSelfReferenceXDataProvider For internal use only.
ClassSeriesSelfReferenceYDataProvider For internal use only.
ClassSharpGraph Represents the settings for the SharpGraph object.
ClassTick Represents the settings of the Tick object.
ClassTitle Represents the settings for the Title object.
ClassTitlesCollection Represents the settings for the TitlesCollection object.
ClassWallRange Represents the settings of the WallRange object.

Represents the settings of the WallRangesCollection object.

ClassXmlDataProvider Provides access to XML data.
ClassXYVAlueChangedEventArgs For internal use only.
InterfaceIChartMemberNameProvider Provides a name for the chart member name provider.
InterfaceStandardProperties Represents standard properties on a series that are available for most graph types.
DelegateCustomDrawEventHandler Represents the method that handles the CustomDraw event.
DelegateGraphMouseEventHandler Represents the method that handles the GraphMouse event.
DelegateXYValueChangedEventHandler For internal use only.
EnumerationAlignment Specifies how the text item anchors to its position.
EnumerationArrowType Specifies the arrow type used for the axis line.
EnumerationAxisType Specifies the axis type.
EnumerationBarType Specifies the type of bars to use.
EnumerationBaseStyle Gets or sets a circular or square base drawing style for the 3D funnel chart or 3D pyramid chart.

Specifies the ChartType used for the Series.

EnumerationColorPalette Specifies what color palette is used.

Specifies the DateTime Unit for the DateTime axis. The default value is Auto.

EnumerationDeviceModes Specifies the device drawing mode used to render the chart.
EnumerationDockType Specifies the docking area.
EnumerationFunnelStyle Specifies whether the Y value for the series points to the width or the height of the funnel. The default value is YIsHeight.
EnumerationGraphXmlSerializationContext.DirectionType For internal use only.
EnumerationLabelsPlacement Specifies whether the data point labels appear on the left or right side of the funnel or pyramid chart.
EnumerationLegendMode Specifies the mode used to render legend items.
EnumerationLightType Specifies the type of light source used.
EnumerationMarkerStyle Specifies the shape of the marker.
EnumerationStandardAxis Specifies which axis is the standard axis.
EnumerationStdLegendMarker Specifies the standard legend marker shape to use.
EnumerationUICommand Specifies the command to be used for the DoCommand method of the Chart control.
EnumerationUIOptions Specifies the user interface settings for the Chart control.
See Also


ActiveReports.Chart Assembly

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