To deploy a solution that includes the Designer control (Professional Edition only), you must include the version of the Microsoft Rich Text Edit Control DLL that is installed with ActiveReports in a location like this: C:\Program Files\Common Files\GrapeCity\ActiveReports 6\riched20.dll (on a 64-bit Windows operating system, a location is like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\GrapeCity\ActiveReports 6\riched20.dll).
Caution: If you do not deploy Product version 4 (File version or higher of riched20.dll with the Designer, the user might have a version that is unable to render RTF tables correctly in edit mode of the RichText control. |
Place this file in the same directory as the ActiveReports assemblies.
Once you have finished these steps, you can deploy your Designer application like any other Windows Application.