ActiveReports 6 Online Help
ReportViewerObject Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by ReportViewerObject.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorReportViewerObject ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ReportViewerObject class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllowSplitterGets or sets a value that determines whether the user is allowed to split the view.  
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the background color of the viewer.  
Public PropertyContextMenuGets or sets a context menu to use when the user right-clicks on the report viewer component.  
Public PropertyCurrentPageGets or sets the number of the current document page displayed in the viewer.  
Public PropertyDisplayUnitsGets or sets a value that represents the measurement units used to paint the ruler.  
Public PropertyEnabledDetermines whether the viewer's ReportView is enabled.  
Public PropertyHistoryGets a reference to the viewer's page view history.  
Public PropertyHyperLinkBackColorGets or sets the background color of the controls that hosts a hyperlink. The default is transparent.  
Public PropertyHyperLinkForeColorGets or sets the color of the text within a control that hosts a hyperlink. The default is Blue.  
Public PropertyHyperLinkUnderlineGets or sets a value determining whether the text in a control that hosts a hyperlink is underlined. The default value is true.  
Public PropertyMultiplePageColsGets or sets the number of horizontal pages to display when the viewer is in MultiPageMode.  
Public PropertyMultiplePageModeGets or sets a value indicating whether to display multiple pages in the viewer.   
Public PropertyMultiplePageRowsGets or sets the number of pages displayed vertically when the viewer is in MultiPageMode.  
Public PropertyPageOffsetSpecifies the location of the page in the viewer.  
Public PropertyPaperColorGets or sets the color that represents the paper in the report view.  
Public PropertyRepositionPageDetermines whether the viewer will reposition the view to the top of the page when a user goes to another page after scrolling downward in a page.  
Public PropertyRulerVisibleGets or sets a value that determines whether the viewer's ruler is visible.  
Public PropertySearchResultsBackColorGets or sets the background color of the highlighted text when using the Viewer control's Find dialog.  
Public PropertySearchResultsForeColorGets or sets the color of the highlighted text when using the Viewer control's Find dialog.  
Public PropertySplitViewGets or sets a value that determines whether the viewer is split into two views.  
Public PropertyTargetViewGets or sets a value that specifies the current target view when SplitView is true.  
Public PropertyUseHyperLinkSettingsGets or sets whether to apply the hyperlink settings when hyperlinks are displayed in the Viewer.  
Public PropertyViewTypeGets or sets a value that determines whether the viewer shows pages in Normal or ContinuousScroll mode.  
Public PropertyZoomGets or sets the viewer's zoom level.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCopyCopies the ReportViewerObject object.  
Public MethodDispose  
Public MethodMoveToBookmarkAllows the user to navigate to a bookmark.  
Public MethodRefreshForces the ReportViewerObject to redraw itself.  
See Also


ReportViewerObject Class
DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Viewer Namespace

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