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DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Viewer Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
The DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Viewer namespace contains the Viewer classes.
ClassFindEventArgs Provides data for the Find event.
ClassHistory Manages the page view history.
ClassHyperLinkEventArgs Provides data for the HyperLink event.
ClassImages Represents the images displayed on the Viewer toolbar.
ClassPageViewAccessible Provides information that accessibility applications use to adjust the viewer's UI for users with impairments.
ClassReportViewerObject Manages the viewer's ReportViewer component properties.
ClassTableOfContentsObject Manages the viewer's table of contents tree properties.
ClassToolbarObject Manages the viewer's toolbar properties.
ClassViewer The Viewer control is used to preview report documents on the screen.
ClassWebViewer For internal use only.
ClassZoomChangedEventArgs Provides data for the ZoomChanged event.
DelegateCloseButtonClickEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Close button click event.
DelegateFindEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Find click event.
DelegateHyperLinkEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the HyperLink click event.
DelegateZoomChangedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the zoom click event.

Determines the measurement units used to display the viewer's ruler.

EnumerationTargetView Determines the current active view in the viewer.
EnumerationUnits Specifies the viewer measurement units.
EnumerationViewType Determines whether to use Normal or ContinuousScroll viewing.
See Also


ActiveReports.Viewer6 Assembly

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