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PdfExport Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by PdfExport.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorPdfExport ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the PdfExport class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyContainer (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public PropertyConvertMetaToPngSets or returns a value indicating whether Windows metafiles are converted to PNG files in the exported PDF document.  
Public PropertyExportBookmarksSets or returns a value indicating whether bookmarks are exported to and shown in the PDF document.   
Public PropertyFontFallbackGets or sets a comma-delimited string of font families that will be used to lookup glyphs that are missing in the original font (Professional Edition).  
Public PropertyImageQualitySets or returns a value indicating the level of quality at which to export metafile images.  
Public PropertyImageResolutionGets or sets the image resolution for the PDF export if a metafile is used as an image for the picture control or if the Page.DrawPicture api is used.  
Public PropertyNeverEmbedFonts

Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited string of values indicating which fonts should not be embedded in the PDF document.

The NeverEmbedFonts property has the "*" option that indicates whether all fonts should or should not be loaded to the PDF document.

Public PropertyOptionsGets a PdfDocumentOptions object that allows you to specify viewer preferences and document information options for the exported PDF document.  
Public PropertySecurityGets a PdfSecurity object which allows you to initialize document encryption and security.  
Public PropertySignatureGets a PdfSignature object which allows you to provide proof of your digital identity.  
Public PropertySite (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public PropertyVersionGets or sets the version of the PDF format to which the exported document is saved.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCreateObjRef (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodDispose() (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public MethodExportOverloaded. Exports the specified document to PDF format.  
Public MethodGetLifetimeService (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodInitializeLifetimeService (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodToString (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public Events
Public EventDisposed (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
See Also


PdfExport Class
DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf Namespace

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