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DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
The DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf namespace contains the PDF export classes.
ClassPdfDocumentOptions Encapsulates viewer preferences as well as document information and metadata for exporting a PDF document.
ClassPdfExport Provides PDF document creation functionality for ActiveReports documents.
ClassPdfExportException The exception that is thrown when a non-fatal PdfExport-specific application error occurs. 
ClassPdfSecurity Encapsulates the information necessary to provide PDF document security and encryption.
ClassPdfSigningException The exception that is thrown when a non-fatal PdfSignature-specific application error occurs.

An enumeration of values which specify how the document should be displayed when it is opened.

EnumerationImageQuality An enumeration of values indicating the level of quality at which to export metafile images.
EnumerationPdfPermissions An enumeration of values to specify the user permissions for the document. These values can be combined using a bitwise OR combination.
EnumerationPdfVersion An enumeration of values indicating the version of the PDF format to which the exported document is saved.
See Also


ActiveReports.PdfExport Assembly

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