ActiveReports 6 Online Help
Changes from Previous Versions

There are a few breaking changes introduced in ActiveReports 6 to keep in mind when upgrading your existing ActiveReports for .NET 3.0 or 2.0 projects:

The BaseClass name has been changed.

The ActiveReports 6 Report Converter converts and updates previous versions of ActiveReports to ActiveReports 6 format. Save back-ups of your reports before running it.

Note: We recommend that you check the Active Reports for NET 2.0 or Active Reports for NET 3.0 project before running the ActiveReports 6.0 Report Converter and make sure that the project has valid ActiveReports references.

The SetLicense method for run-time reporting and end user designer licensing has been marked as obsolete and raises a compile error. We have updated our licensing models and we sincerely hope to provide an easy and seamless licensing and deployment experience with this release. See License Your ActiveReports for more information.

The Report.Show method has been removed. This removes the viewer dependency for a leaner package. Instead, you can use the Preview tab at design time or the Viewer control at run time.

The ActiveX Viewer control is no longer supported. Instead, we have added the Flash Viewer and more recently the Silverlight Viewer, thus expanding the options of viewing ActiveReports on the web. See Flash Viewer Options and Silverlight Viewer (Pro Edition) for more information.

See Also