ActiveReports 6 Online Help
Common Charts
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The ActiveReports Chart control can draw a number of 2D chart types:

See below for details on each of the common chart types.

Area Chart

Use an area chart to compare trends over a period of time or across categories.

Chart Information

Bar 2D Chart

Use a bar chart to compare values of items across categories.

Chart Information

Below is an example of how to set the custom chart properties at run time for a bar chart.

To write the code in Visual Basic.NET

To write the code in C#

Bezier Chart

Use a Bezier or spline chart to compare trends over a period of time or across categories. It is a line chart that plots curves through the data points in a series.

Chart Information

Doughnut Chart

A doughnut chart shows how the percentage of each data item contributes to the total.

Chart Information

In order to show each section of the pie in a different color, the Background property for each data point must be set. Below is an example of how to set custom chart properties at run time for a doughnut chart.

To write the code in Visual Basic.NET

To write the code in C#

Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart is a project management tool used to chart the progress of individual project tasks. The chart compares project task completion to the task schedule.

In a Gantt chart the X and Y axes are reversed. AxisX is vertical and AxisY is horizontal.

Chart Information

Below is an example of how to set the custom chart properties at run time for a Gantt chart.

To write the code in Visual Basic.NET

To write the code in C#

Horizontal Bar Chart

Use a horizontal bar chart to compare values of items across categories with the axes reversed.

Chart Information

Below is an example of how to set the custom chart properties at run time for a horizontal bar chart as shown above.

To write the code in Visual Basic.NET

To write the code in C#

Line Chart

Use a line chart to compare trends over a period of time or across categories.

Chart Information

Scatter Chart

Use a scatter chart to compare values across categories.

Chart Information

Stacked Area Chart

A stacked area chart is an area chart with two or more data series stacked one on top of the other. Use this chart to show how each value contributes to a total.

Chart Information

Stacked Bar Chart

A stacked bar chart is a bar chart with two or more data series stacked one on top of the other. Use this chart to show how each value contributes to a total.

Chart Information

Below is an example of how to set the custom chart properties at run time for a StackedBar chart.

To write the code in Visual Basic.NET

To write the code in C#

Stacked Area 100 Percent Chart

A stacked area 100% chart is an area chart with two or more data series stacked one on top of the other to sum up to 100%. Use this chart to show how each value contributes to a total with the relative size of each series representing its contribution to the total.

Chart Information

Stacked Bar 100 Percent Chart

A StackedBar100Pct chart is a bar chart with two or more data series stacked one on top of the other to sum up to 100%. Use this chart to show how each value contributes to a total with the relative size of each series representing its contribution to the total.

Chart Information

Below is an example of how to set the custom chart properties at run time for a StackedBar100Pct chart.

To write the code in Visual Basic.NET

To write the code in C#

See Also

How To