ActiveReports 6 Online Help
Chart Elements

You can use the ActiveReports Chart control to display data visually and help readers to easily analyze and interpret numerical and relational data. The elements that make up an ActiveReports chart bring meaning to the visual information. You have the following major elements at your disposal:

The following image illustrates the elements that make up the ActiveReports Chart control.

Chart Elements

Axis Label

A label along an axis that lets you label the units being shown.

Axis Title

The axis title allows you to provide a title for the information being shown on the axis.

Chart Backdrop

The chart backdrop is the background for the whole chart that is created. You can create your own backdrop using the different styles and colors available or you can use an image as a backdrop for your chart.

Chart Title

The chart title serves as the title for the chart control.

Footer Title

The footer title allows you to add a secondar title for the chart control along the bottom.

Grid Line

Grid lines can occur on horizontal and vertical axes and normally correlate to the major or minor tick marks for the axes.


The legend serves as a key to the specific colors or patterns being used to show series values in the chart.


The marker is used to annotate a specific plotted point in a data series.

Marker Label

The marker label allows you to display the value of a specific plotted point in a data series.

Major Tick

Major tick marks can occur on horizontal and vertical axes and normally correlate to the major gridlines for the axes.

Minor Tick

Minor tick marks can occur on horizontal and vertical axes and normally correlate to the minor gridlines for the axes.


The series is a related group of data values that are plotted on the chart. Each plotted point is a data point that reflects the specific values charted. Most charts, such as the above bar chart, can contain more than one series, while others, such as a pie chart, can contain only one.

Wall Backdrop

The wall is the back section of the chart on which data is plotted.

Wall BackdropChart TitleChart BackdropGrid LineSeriesLegendSeriesSeriesFooter TitleAxis TitleAxis LabelChart Axes and WallsChart Axes and WallsAxis TitleAxis LabelMajor TickMarker LabelMarker
See Also

How To
