ActiveReports 6 Online Help
Export Troubleshooting
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If you run into an issue while using ActiveReports exports, you will probably find the solution within this section. Click any short description below to drop down the symptoms, cause, and solution.

General Export Troubleshooting

Specified cast not valid exception

Excel Export Troubleshooting

Extra columns in exported spreadsheet

Extremely long reports do not export

Export fails sporadically in memory stream

The export does not look like the original

HTML Export Troubleshooting

Invalid syntax error

The export does not look like the original

Exported vertical text in the Textbox and Label controls does not look like the original

PDF Export Troubleshooting

Barcodes do not scan and margins expand

The WebViewer shows blank PDF reports

Export fails in the FIPS-compliant environment if CacheToDisk is used

The ArgumentOutOfRange exception occurs when using a custom font factory in an application that exports a report and runs it on Azure Fabric

A configuration error occurs when deploying an application with a custom font factory in a Windows Azure project

The ConfigurationErrorsException error occurs when exporting an application with a custom font factory in Azure worker role project

RTF Export Troubleshooting

The export does not look like the original

Text Export Troubleshooting

The export does not look like the original

TIFF Export Troubleshooting

The export is completely black

The export has extra white space at the bottom of the page

See Also

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