ActiveReports 6 Online Help
Title Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by Title.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorTitle ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the Title class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAlignmentGets or sets the text alignment for the title object.  
Public PropertyAntiAliasModeFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.DrawCustomizableItem)
Public PropertyBackdropGets or sets the Backdrop object for the title.  
Public PropertyBorderGets or sets the border to draw around the title object.  
Public PropertyContextMenuFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public PropertyCustomBorderDrawerGets or sets the custom border draw implementation class.  
Public PropertyDockAreaGets or sets the chart area to which the title will be docked.  
Public PropertyDockingGets or sets the enumerated dock type value for the title.  
Public PropertyFontGets or sets the font information used to draw the title text.  
Public PropertyNameOverridden. Gets or sets the name of the Title object as string.  
Public PropertyTextGets or sets the text to display for the Title object.  
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether the Title object is visible.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCloneOverridden. Creates a clone of the Title object.  
Public MethodDestroy (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.Item)
Public MethodDisposeFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledComponent)
Public MethodGetObjectDataGets serialization information with all of the data needed to reinstantiate this object.  
Public MethodInternalGetParentsFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.Item)
Public MethodOnMouseDownFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodOnMouseEnterFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodOnMouseHoverFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodOnMouseLeaveFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodOnMouseMoveFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodOnMouseUpFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodOnMouseWheelFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodToStringReturns a string that represents the current Title object.  
Public Events
Public EventChangeFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.Item)
Public EventDisposedFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledComponent)
Public EventMouseDownFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventMouseEnterFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventMouseHoverFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventMouseLeaveFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventMouseMoveFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventMouseUpFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventMouseWheelFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventPostDrawFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.DrawCustomizableItem)
Public EventPreDrawFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.DrawCustomizableItem)
See Also


Title Class
DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart Namespace

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