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Standard Edition Walkthroughs
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Walkthroughs give basic step-by-step instructions for common situations in ActiveReports. This feature makes walkthroughs an excellent way to learn more about the basic features of the product. For most walkthroughs, it is assumed that references to the DataDynamics.ActiveReports and DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Document namespaces have been added to the project.

Basic Walkthroughs

Address Labels
Describes how to print labels using columns.
Calculated Fields
Describes how to use a field's DataField property to perform calculations in a report.
Describes how to use the Chart control in a report.
Columnar Reports
Describes how to format a report to use columns.
Data Bound Reports
Describes how to connect a report to a data source using the DataSource icon.
 Deploying ActiveReports with Windows Applications
Describes how to deploy ActiveReports with Windows Applications.
Exporting Output
Describes how to use export filters to make reports available in other formats.
Green Bar Reports
Describes how to use background color to create a green bar report.
Grouping Data
Describes how to incorporate grouping in a report.
Master Detail Reports
Describes how to implement master detail reports.
Page Numbering
Describes how to use page numbering in the page footer and in the group header.
Describes how to use different printing functions in a report.
Describes how to use the SpreadBuilder to create Excel files.
Style Sheets
Describes how to use style sheets in a report.
Summary Fields
Describes how to add summary fields to a report to calculate totals, counts, averages and other aggregations.
Top N Reports
Describes how to display the top ten customers in a report.

Advanced Walkthroughs

Describes how to set up Bookmarks to organize reports for easy navigation.
Custom Controls and ChartFX
Describes how to ChartFX as a custom control with ActiveReports.
Datasets Containing Relationships with Subreports
Describes how to use datasets containing relationships with subreports.
Describes the incorporation and function of hyperlinks in a report.
Describes how to localize ActiveReports.
Modifying Report Documents
Describes several methods of modifying report documents.
Describes how to use parameters with simple reports and subreports.
Rich Text
Describes how to use Rich Text, field merging, and HTML in a report.
Run-Time Reporting
Describes how to create dynamic reports at run time.
Saving and Loading to a Memory Stream
Describes how to save reports to and load reports from a memory stream.
Describes how to add subreports to a report.
Describes how to use scripting to generate stand-alone reports, including subreports.
Describes how to use ActiveReports with Web projects.
Unbound Reports
Describes the basics of using the Data_Initialize and Fetch_Data events to connect a report to a data source.

See Also

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