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Grouping Data Walkthroughs
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User Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Walkthroughs > Standard Edition Walkthroughs > Basic > Grouping Data Walkthroughs

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With ActiveReports, grouping can be easily added to your reports. The following walkthroughs describe exactly how to include various grouping options in your report.


Conditional Show/Hide Detail
Describes how reports can be grouped to show or hide information based on set conditions.
Group on a Field Expression
Describes how reports can be grouped by using a group header with the DataField property set to a field expression.
Group on Simple Fields
Describes how reports can be grouped by using simple fields and setting the DataField property to the database field on which they are being grouped.
Group on Unbound Fields
Describes how reports can be grouped on unbound fields.
Keeptogether Options
Describes how to use Keeptogether options with grouping in a report.

See Also

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