ActiveReports Developer 7
Script for Simple Reports
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ActiveReports Developer allows you to use scripting to embed code in reports saved to the XML-based RPX file format. By embedding script in reports saved as RPX files, you can later load, run, and display reports directly in the viewer control without using the designer. This walkthrough illustrates how to include scripting in a simple report.

This walkthrough is split into the following activities:

Tip: For basic steps like adding a report to a Visual Studio project and viewing a report, please see the Basic Data Bound Reports walkthrough.
Note: This walkthrough uses the the Northwind database. By default, in ActiveReports, the NWind.mdb file is located in [User Documents folder]\ComponentOne Samples\ActiveReports Developer 7\Data folder.

When you have finished this walkthrough, you will have a report that looks similar to the following at design time and at runtime.

Design Time Layout

Runtime Layout

To add an ActiveReport to the Visual Studio project

To connect the report to a data source

To create a layout for the report

To add scripting to the report to supply data for the controls

To save the report to an XML-based RPX file

To view the report

See Also




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