ActiveReports Developer 7 > ActiveReports Developer Guide > Concepts > ActiveReports Designer |
ActiveReports offers an integrated designer that lets you create report layouts in Visual Studio and edit them at design time, visually, and through code, script, or regular expressions. Like any form in Visual Studio, it includes a Property Window with extensive properties for each element of the report, and also adds its own Toolbox filled with report controls, and a Report Explorer with a tree view of report controls.
The designer supports two types of report layouts: section layout and page layout.
Section Report Layout
This layout presents reports in three banded sections by default: page header, detail and page footer. You can remove the page header and footer, add a report header and footer, and add up to 32 group headers and footers. Drag controls onto these sections to display your report data. Reports designed in this layout are saved in RPX format.
Page Report Layout
This layout defines reports in pages where the same page layout can be used throughout the report or separate layout pages are designed for complex reports. Reports designed in this layout are saved in Rdlx format.