ActiveReports Developer 7
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The FormattedText report control can perform mail merge operations, plus it displays richly formatted text in XHTML. To format text in the FormattedText report control, enter XHTML code into the Html property.

Supported XHTML Tags

Formatted Text Dialog

Properties for the FormattedText report control are available in the Formatted Text dialog. To open it, with the control selected on the report, under the Properties Window, click the Property dialog link.

The Formatted Text dialog lets you set properties on the report control with the following page.

Mail Merge

Here is a very simple example of HTML code that you can use to add mail merge fields to formatted text. This example assumes that you have added two mail merge fields named Field1 and Field2.

Paste this code in the Html property of the FormattedText control.
Copy Code
<body><p>This is <%Field1/%> and this is <%Field2/%>.</p></body>
See Also



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