ActiveReports Developer 7
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In ActiveReports, the RichTextBox control is used to display, insert and manipulate formatted text. It is different from the TextBox control in a number of ways. The most obvious is that it allows you to apply different formatting to different parts of its content.

You can also load an RTF file or an HTML file into the RichTextBox control at design time or at run time, and you can use it to create field merged reports with field placeholders that you replace with values at run time. You can add fields to the text you enter directly in the control by right-clicking and choosing Insert Fields and providing a field name.

For more information, see Load a File into a RichTextBox Control and Mail Merge with RichTextBox.

Important Properties

Keyboard Shortcuts

In the End User Designer, you can disable this feature in the EditModeEntering and EditModeExit events.

Load File Dialog

With the control selected on the report, in the Commands section at the bottom of the Properties window, you can click the Load file command to open the dialog. This allows you to select a file to load into the control at design time. Supported file types are as follows.

To load a file into the report at run time, use the Load method. For more information, see Load Method.

Supported Tags


Style Attribute Properties

RichTextBox Dialog

With the control selected on the report, in the Commands section at the bottom of the Properties window, you can click the Property dialog command to open the dialog.




See Also



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