ActiveReports Developer 7
Color Scale 3
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The ColorScale3 data visualization displays a TextBox background color in a range of colors to indicate minimum, middle, and maximum values, and all shades in between.


You can use static values or aggregate functions (e.g. Min, Avg, or Max) to set the Minimum, Middle, and Maximum parameters. For more information on these and other aggregate functions, see the Common Functions topic.


=ColorScale3(Value, Minimum, Middle, Maximum, StartColor, MiddleColor, EndColor)


Use an expression with this syntax in the BackgroundColor property of a Textbox control. This causes the background color to change depending on the value of the field you specified in the Value parameter, in the case of the example, InStock. Any values falling between the Minimum value and the Middle value render with a gradient scale color between the StartColor and MiddleColor. The closer the value is to the Minimum, the closer to Crimson the color renders. In the same way, values falling between the Middle and Maximum render with a color between the MiddleColor and EndColor, in this case, varying shades of yellow-green.


Default Behavior


See Also

How To



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