ActiveReports Developer 7
Common Functions
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In page reports, you can use a function in an expression to perform actions on data in data regions, groups and datasets. You can access these functions in the Expression Editor dialog. In any property that accepts expressions, you can drop down the property and select <Expression...> to open the dialog.

Within the Expression Editor dialog, there is a tree view of Fields. Expand the Common Functions node to view the available functions. The following tables contain details about each of the functions included in ActiveReports for use in property expressions.

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All functions have a Scope parameter which determines the grouping, data region, or dataset to be considered when calculating the aggregate or other function. Within a data region, the Scope parameter's default value is the innermost grouping to which the report control belongs. Alternately, you can specify the name of another grouping, dataset, or data region, or you can specify Nothing, which sets it to the outermost data region to which the report control belongs.

The Scope parameter must be a data region, grouping, or dataset that directly or indirectly contains the report control using the function in its expression. If the report control is outside of a data region, the Scope parameter refers to a dataset. If there is only one dataset in the report, you can omit the Scope parameter. If there are multiple datasets, you must specify which one to use to avoid ambiguity.

Note: You cannot set the Scope parameter to Nothing outside of a data region.
See Also

How To



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