ActiveReports Developer 7
Collate Multiple Copies of a Report
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In a fixed page layout you can create reports with multiple themes, where you can control the page order of a rendered report by selecting the collation mode. This walkthrough uses a report that contains layouts on two page tabs in order to illustrate the collation feature.

This walkthrough is split into the following activities:

Note: This walkthrough uses the CustomerOrders table from the Reels database. By default, in ActiveReports, the Reels.mdb file is located at [User Documents folder]\ComponentOne Samples\ActiveReports Developer 7\Data\Reels.mdb.

When you complete this walkthrough you get a report that looks similar to the following. These images show the result of the Value collation mode.

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

To create a report layout on multiple pages

To add themes to the report

To apply themes to the report

To set up collation

To view the report

See Also


How To



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