ActiveReports Developer 7
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The Chart data region shows your data in a graphical representation that often makes it easier for users to comprehend large amounts of data quickly. Different types of charts are more efficient for different types of information, so we offer a wide variety of chart types. This makes it easy and cost effective to add charting to your reports, as there is no need to purchase and integrate a separate charting tool.

To hone in on your needs, when you first drag the Chart report control onto a page report, you can select the broad category of chart type to use: Bar, Column, Scatter, Line, or Dot Plot.

Once you select a chart category, there are a number of dialogs to help you to customize your chart.

Note: You can select <Expression...> within many of these properties to create an expression to determine the value, or you can select a theme value to keep reports consistent.

Chart Appearance

To open the Chart Appearance dialog, select the Chart on the report, and below the Properties window, click the Chart appearance command. This dialog has the following pages.

Tip: To go directly to the Plot Area page, click in the middle of the chart to select the Plot Area, then under the Properties Window, click Property dialog.





Plot Area

3D Effects

Chart Data

See the Chart Data Dialog topic for all of the pages and tabs available for customizing your chart data. 

Chart Legend

To open the Chart Legend dialog, select the Chart on the report, and below the Properties window, click the Chart legend command. This dialog has the following pages.



Chart Axis

Click the Axis X or Axis Y line of the chart to select AxisXLine or AxisYLine, then under the Properties Window, click Property dialog. The Chart Axis dialogs let you set axis properties on the data region with the following pages.

Note: The X and Y Axis dialogs are disabled if your chart type is doughnut or pie.


Line Style


Major Grid Lines

Minor Grid Lines



See Also



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