ActiveReports Developer 7
Chart Data Dialog
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When you first open the Chart Data dialog, you can select a Dataset name to associate with the chart. The list is populated with all of the datasets in the report's dataset collection.

This dialog also gives you access to the following related pages.

General Page

Name: Enter a name for the chart that is unique within the report. This name is displayed in the Document Outline and in XML exports.

Tooltip: Enter the value or expression you want to appear when a user hovers the cursor over the chart in the viewer at run time.

Dataset Name: Select a dataset to associate with the chart. The combo box is populated with all of the datasets in the report's dataset collection.

Series Values Page

Add at least one Value series to determine the size of the chart element. Click the plus sign button to enable the General tab. Once you have one or more value series in place, you can use the arrow buttons to change the order or the X button to delete them.

Another way to add Chart Series Values is to drag fields from the Report Explorer onto the tray along the top edge of the chart that reads Drop data fields here.

If you have already added values, you can right-click any value displayed in the UI along the top of the chart and choose Edit to open this dialog.

The Series Values page has the following tabs.






Data Output

Category Groups Page

Add Category Groups to group data and provide labels for the chart elements. Click the Add button to enable the General tab. Once you have one or more category groups in place, you can use the arrow buttons to change the order or the X button to delete them.

Another way to add Category Groups is to drag fields from the Report Explorer onto the tray along the bottom edge of the chart that reads Drop category fields here.

If you have already added values, you can right-click the value displayed in the UI along the bottom of the chart and choose Edit to open this dialog.

The Category Groups page has the following tabs.




Data Output

Series Groups Page

Optionally add Series Groups for extra levels of data (for example, Orders by Country can be broken down by year as well). Labels for the series are displayed in the chart legend. Click the Add button to open the General page. Once you have one or more series groups in place, you can use the arrow buttons to change the order or the X button to delete them.

Another way to add Series Groups is to drag fields from the Report Explorer onto the tray along the right edge of the chart that reads Optionally drop series fields here.

If you have already added values, you can right-click the value displayed in the UI along the right edge of the chart and choose Edit to open this dialog.

The Series Groups page has the following tabs.




Data Output

Filters Page

Chart Data Filters Page

Data Output Page

Chart Data Output Page

See Also




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