ActiveReports 10 Server Designer User Guide
Chart Data
ActiveReports 10 Server Designer User Guide > Working with Charts > Chart Data

A chart uses data in each of the following areas: Data Fields, Categories and Series. Each one deals with chart data in a different way, therefore only certain data types can be used in each area.

Chart Data Types

Icon Data Type Description
Numerical Attribute Can be used in data fields, categories and series.
Text Attribute Can be used in categories and series.
Boolean Attribute Can be used in categories and series.
Date Attribute Can be used in categories and series.
Aggregate Numeric Attribute Can only be used in data fields.
Date Variation Attribute Cannot be used in charts.
Tip: If you drag an attribute or entity onto a chart area where it is not supported, a red X icon appears.

For information on using data in each of these areas, see the following topics:

See Also