ActiveReports 9 Server
Managing Users

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An administrator can add and delete users, and modify existing users' credentials, passwords, and roles. All of these functions are in the Users list, which you can access from the Administrator Dashboard by clicking Users in the Security section.

To add a new user

Each user needs an e-mail address, password, and user name.

Create a new user

To delete a user

You can remove users from ActiveReports 9 Server so that they no longer have access.

Delete a user

To modify credentials of an existing user

In addition to changing a user's e-mail address or description, you can lock or unlock user accounts.

Change user credentials

To change a user's password

You can change a user's password when they forget it, or if their password security is in doubt.

Reset a password

To manage a user's roles

In addition to editing the user’s credentials, you can add or remove the user from roles.

Edit roles

See Also



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