ActiveReports 9 Server
Managing Roles
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All permissions are granted to a Role. To grant permission to users, add the user to one or more roles. By default, four roles are configured. These roles cannot be deleted, but you can add new roles to the list.

To create a new role

You can add as many roles as you need to the list. Then if you decide to grant permission for a report or model to an entire department, you can make the change once instead of for each individual.

Create roles with specified permissions

To add a user to a role

When you create a new role, it has no users.

Grant permissions by adding users to roles

To grant permission to upload reports

By default, only the Administrator role has permission to upload reports.

Uploading ActiveReports

To grant permission to schedule reports

By default, only the Administrator role has permission to schedule reports.

Scheduling ActiveReports

To grant permission to assign system categories

By default, only the Administrator role has permission to assign system categories.

Assign System Categories

To delete a role

To delete a role

You can grant other permissions to reports and models by selecting roles to allow for each individual report and each model. See Managing Permissions: Reports, Models, Schedules for more information.

See Also



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