private void arv_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
rptDD rpt = new rptDD();
arv.Document = rpt.Document;
System.Drawing.SizeF x;
rpt.CurrentPage.Font = this.TextBox1.Font;
Console.WriteLine("TextBox1 Size = " + this.TextBox1.Size.ToString());
string y;
y = "This is a really long textbox with text that should wrap multiple lines so I can then measure the height of the text using the MeasureParagrahHeight method off of the page object.";
x = arv.Document.Pages[0].MeasureParagraphHeight(y,this.TextBox1.Width);
Console.WriteLine("MPH = " + x.ToString());
this.TextBox1.Size = x.ToSize();
this.TextBox1.Text = y;