ActiveReports 11
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Walkthroughs

The Walkthroughs section of the User Guide provides you with step-by-step tutorials that you can follow as you create projects in Visual Studio. These walkthroughs cover the key features of Page Reports, RDL Reports and Section Reports in different scenarios. The walkthroughs progress from basic through advanced for Standard and Professional Editions of ActiveReports.

This section contains information about:

Page Report/RDL Report Walkthroughs
Learn the dynamic features through easy to implement scenarios for Page Report and RDL Report.
Section Report Walkthroughs
Use the walkthroughs under this section to understand key features of a section report through simple scenarios.
Common Walkthroughs
Common walkthroughs cover scenarios to introduce the key features of page, RDL and section reports.
See Also