ActiveReports 11
Section Report Walkthroughs
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Walkthroughs > Section Report Walkthroughs

Section Report walkthroughs cover scenarios to introduce the key features of code-based and XML-based section reports. Learn about different section report walkthroughs categorized as follows.

This section contain the walkthroughs that explain various ways of working with data sources.
This section contain the walkthroughs that explain how to create different section report layouts.
This section contain the walkthroughs that demonstrate how to work with the ActiveReports Chart control in a section report.
This section contains the walkthrough that demonstrates how to set up report custom exporting to PDF, Excel, TIFF, RTF, and plain text formats.
This section contain the walkthroughs that demonstrate how to embed script in reports so that code becomes portable when you save a report layout to XML-based RPX format.
This section contain the walkthroughs that demonstrate how to use parameters in SubReport and Chart controls.
This section contains the walkthroughs that explain how to create a simple web service for each scenario and how to create a Document Windows application.
See Also