ActiveReports 10 Server User Guide
ActiveReports 10 Server User Guide > Installation

ActiveReports Server allows you to provide a browser-based report designer for end users and to serve up both end user reports and your more sophisticated developer reports. This section helps you to get started.

Important: During installation, if you choose to create new users for the Web App Pool and Service, be sure to update the user properties to match your password policy, as the default setting is to use an expiring password.

In This Section

System Requirements
View the ActiveReports Server managed agent system and server requirements.
AppPool Permissions (SQL Server)
Learn how to set up ActiveReports Server so that you can use Windows authentication to create new data models with SQL Server.
Installed Files
Browse the files installed with ActiveReports Server and brief descriptions of how they are used.
Logging On to the Administrator Site
Find out how to access the first page of the Administrator site.
Backup and Recovery 
Learn which files to back up when you set up ActiveReports Server and how to recover your data in the event of a problem.
Configuring ActiveReports 10 Server on SSL and HTTPS Web Sites
Find information on using ActiveReports Server with secure Web sites.

Important: If you use a virtual directory, you must copy the crossdomain.xml file (from C:\ActiveReports 10 Server\Site) to the full root of the parent application. If you have it only in the virtual directory, a Security sandbox violation occurs when you try to preview a report.

See Also
