ActiveReports 10 Server User Guide
Installed Files
ActiveReports 10 Server User Guide > Installation > Installed Files

When you install ActiveReports Server and use all of the default settings, files are installed in the following folders:

C:\ActiveReports 10 Server

File (or Folder) Name Description
Agent Contains the files that you use to deploy your solution to separate machines that host your Managed Agents if you do a multi-server deployment for load balancing.
Data Contains user information and reports and models. This is the folder that you need to back up to prevent loss of data. For more information, see Backup and Recovery.
DataProviders Contains data provider assemblies.
SDK Contains server report controls and a class library for the software developer kit.
SecurityProviders Contains the ActiveDirectorySecurityProvider assembly used to create a security provider.
Server Contains the files used to run the server.
Site Contains the files used to run both the Report Portal and the Admin sites, as well as all associated help files.
ActiveReports 10 Server License Agreement.rtf The license agreement that dictates the terms under which you may use this software.


C:\ActiveReports 10 Server\SDK

File Name Description
HTML5 Viewer.Source Includes Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript files for HTML5.
ja Includes resource files for the Japanese environment.
ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.dll Assembly that supports the ReportDesigner and ReportList control for use in your ASP.NET solutions.
ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.xml Intellisense for the ReportControls assembly.
zh-CN Includes resource files for the Chinese environment.
Samples Contains sample Visual Studio projects that you can use to evaluate the software, or customize and extend to use in your own solutions. For more information on samples, see the SDK help.

C:\ActiveReports 10 Server\Site

Folder Name Description
Admin Contains the files and folders used to run the Admin site, as well as the associated help file.
Bin Contains ActiveReports and Data Dynamics Reports assemblies as well as SQLite and DotNetZip assemblies for use on the site.
i18n Contains the files and folders having properties of different locales.
portal Contains the files and folders used to run the Admin site, as well as the associated help file.
crossdomain.xml Cross-domain policy file that make data available to WSF files in different domain.
Default.aspx The default web file that shows the introductory text and links.
Default.aspx.cs The default cs that shows the introductory text and links.
Designerservice.svc The service host file for DesignerService.
Error.aspx The file that contains error information for the Designer Web application.
Generic.master The file that contains information regarding log-in page configuration.
Global.asax The default class that sets global URL routing values for the Designer Web application.
index.html The index file that contains html code for appearance and functioning of the main page.
ReportService.svc The service host file for ReportService.
web.config The main file that contains configuration information for the Designer Web application.

List of open source software used in ActiveReports Server

See Also