ActiveReports 10 Server User Guide
Cloning a Model
ActiveReports 10 Server User Guide > Managing Models > Model List Overview > Cloning a Model

Another way to create a new model is by cloning. In this case, we choose a model from the list of current models and create its precise copy as an independent model that we can edit.

To clone a model

  1. From the Administrator Dashboard, select Models.
  2. In the Models list, select the model that you want to copy and then click Clone model button. A new model is created and displayed in the Models list.

  3. To rename the newly created model, click the clone model properties button to display the model properties. 
  4. In the Name box, enter the name to update.
Note: When you clone a model, the reports remain bound to the initial model. A newly cloned model is created without any bound reports.
See Also