Xuni Product Documentation - Xamarin.Forms

An axis is composed of several elements, such as labels, line, tick marks and titles. There are several properties available in FlexChart that let you customize these elements, for both X and Y axes. Some of the important properties are listed below.

See  https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dwhawy9k(v=vs.110).aspx for information on standard format strings available in .Net.

Axis line for Y axis and grid lines on the X axis are disabled by default. To enable the axis lines and grid lines, set the AxisLineVisible and MajorGridVisible property to true.

The image below shows a FlexChart with customized axes.

FlexChart control with customized appearance

The following code examples demonstrate how to customize the axes in C# and XAML. These examples use the sample created in the Customize Appearance section.

In Code

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chart.AxisY.AxisLineVisible = true;
chart.AxisY.MajorGridVisible = true;
chart.AxisY.LineWidth = 3;
chart.AxisY.LineColor = Color.FromHex("#00C7CC");
chart.AxisY.TitleText = "Sales and Expenses (in Millions)";
chart.AxisY.MajorTickWidth = 0;
chart.AxisY.MajorGridColor = Color.FromHex("#FFAA00");
chart.AxisY.MajorUnit = 2000;
chart.AxisY.LabelTextColor = Color.FromHex("#0CA8B2");
chart.AxisY.Format = "D";

chart.AxisX.AxisLineVisible = true;
chart.AxisX.MajorGridVisible = true;
chart.AxisX.TitleText = "Month";
chart.AxisX.LineColor = Color.FromHex("#00C7CC");
chart.AxisX.MajorGridColor = Color.FromHex("#00AA00");
chart.AxisX.MajorTickColor = Color.FromHex("#AAF0D1");
chart.AxisX.LabelTextColor = Color.FromHex("#0CA8B2");


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<xuni:FlexChart x:Name="chart" ChartType="Column" ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" BindingX="Name"
PlotAreaBackgroundColor="#F6FDFA" BorderColor="#0CA8B2" BorderWidth = "10" >
    <xuni:ChartSeries x:Name="Sales2015" Name="2015 Sales" Binding="Sales" Color="#7278B2" BorderColor="#2D3047" BorderWidth="3">
    <xuni:ChartSeries x:Name="Expenses2015" Name="2015 Expenses" Binding="Expenses" Color="#FAA9B4" BorderColor="#F6546A" BorderWidth="3">
  <xuni:FlexChart.AxisY >
    <xuni:ChartAxis MajorGridVisible="true" AxisLineVisible="true" LineWidth="3" LineColor = "#00C7CC"
    TitleText="Sales and Expenses (in Millions)" MajorTickWidth = "0" MajorGridColor="#FFAA00"
    MajorUnit = "2000" LabelTextColor="#0CA8B2" Format="D">
    <xuni:ChartAxis AxisLineVisible="true" TitleText = "Month"  LineColor="#00C7CC"
     MajorGridColor="#00AA00" MajorGridVisible="true" MajorTickColor="#AAF0D1" LabelTextColor="#0CA8B2">

Customizing Axis Origin

The FlexChart control allows users to customize the origin for plotting data points in two quadrants. You can use Origin property of the ChartAxis class to set the origin for both the axes. The following image shows the origin of X-axis set to 12,000. 

In Code

The following code example illustrates how to customize the X-axis origin for FlexChart control. This example uses the sample created for Quick Start section. You can also set Y-axis origin in code in a way similar to that given in the following code.

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chart.AxisX.Origin = 12000;
See Also



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