Xuni Product Documentation - Xamarin.Forms
Licensing your app using website

If you are using a version of Xuni prior to 2016 v2.5 or Xamarin Studio, you can license your app via the Xuni website. If you are using Xuni 2016 v2.5 or newer with Visual Studio, you have the option to use the GrapeCity License Manager Add-in. For more information, see the topic Licensing your app using GrapeCity License Manager Add-in.

How to license your app using the website

  1. Open a pre-existing Mobile App or create a new Mobile App (see Creating a New Xamarin.Forms App).
  2. Add the required Xuni NuGet packages to your application through the NuGet Package Manager (see Installing Xuni).
  3. Visit http://www.goxuni.com/my-account/generate-a-key/.
    Note: You must create a GrapeCity account and login to access this web page.
  4. If you are generating a full license, select your serial number from the drop-down menu at the top of the page. If you are generating a trial license, leave it selected as Evaluation.
  5. Select C# for the language.
  6. In the App Name textbox, enter the name of your application. This name should match the Default Namespace of your PCL (shared project in your Xamarin.Forms application ). See Finding the Application Name to know how to find the name of your application.
  7. Click the Generate button. A runtime license will be generated in the form of a string contained within a class.
  8. Copy the license and complete the following steps to add it to your application.
    1. Open your application in Visual Studio or Xamarin Studio.
    2. In the Solution Explorer, right click the project YourAppName (Portable or Shared).
    3. Select Add | New. The Add New Item dialog appears.
    4. Under installed templates, select C# | Class.
    5. Set the name of the class as License.cs and click OK.
    6. In the class License.cs, create a new string to store the runtime license, inside the constructor as shown below.
      Copy Code
      public static class License
          public const string Key = "Your Key";
    7. From the Solution Explorer, open App.cs and set the runtime license, inside the constructor App() method as shown below.
      Copy Code
      Xuni.Forms.Core.LicenseManager.Key = License.Key;

If you are generating a trial license, your application is now ready to use for trial purposes. You can repeat this process for any number of applications. You must generate a new trial license for each app because they are unique to the application name.

The trial period is limited to 30 days, which begins when you generate your first runtime license. The controls will stop working after your 30 day trial has ended. You can extend your license by contacting our sales team.



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