Wijmo UI for the Web
pageIndex Field
wijmo.data Namespace > IShape Interface : pageIndex Field

Default value: null

Determines the index of the currently displayed page, when the paging feature is enabled.

To enable the paging feature, set the allowPaging option to true.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.data.IShape;
var value; // Type: number
value = instance.pageIndex;
var pageIndex : number;
The Quick Start sample shows a similar implementation using Knockout. To use the property without using KnockOut, use the document ready function as in this example.
$(document).ready(function () {
            var productView = new wijmo.data.ArrayDataView(sourceData());

                data: productView, 
                allowPaging: true
This example uses the pageIndex property to move to the next or previous page on button click.
$("#prevPage").click(function () {
    productView.pageIndex(productView.pageIndex() - 1);
$("#nextPage").click(function () {
    productView.pageIndex(productView.pageIndex() + 1);
See Also


IShape Interface