Wijmo UI for the Web
IShape Interface
wijmo.data Namespace : IShape Interface
This interface contains properties for filtering, sorting and paging. These properties may also be implemented as parameters in the IDataView.refresh method as shown in the example below.
This code sets the page size to 4 using parameters in the IDataView.refresh method.
productView.refresh({ pageSize: 4 });

Default value: null

Sets or returns a variant that contains a filter for the data in a recordset. The filter allows you to get records that satisfy a specified criterion.


Default value: null

Determines the index of the currently displayed page, when the paging feature is enabled.

To enable the paging feature, set the allowPaging option to true.

 FieldDetermines the number of records to be displayed on a page. To display all records, set the pageSize to 0.  

Default value: null

Indicates one or more field names on which to sort the data. By default, the data is sorted in ascending order. For more information about setting the sorting directions, ascending or descending, refer to ISortDescriptor.

See Also


wijmo.data Namespace