Wijmo UI for the Web
BreezeDataView Class
wijmo.data Namespace : BreezeDataView Class
The BreezeDataView object allows you to create an asynchronous query on a remote server and return a promise with success and fail callbacks.
var instance = new wijmo.data.BreezeDataView();
function BreezeDataView;
Inheritance Hierarchy


public Constructor  
public Method  
public Method  
public MethodReturns a value that indicates whether the add(item) method is implemented.  
public Method  
public MethodReturns a value that indicates whether the current changes can be canceled.  
public Method  
public Method  
public MethodReturns a value that indicates whether the current changes can be committed  
public MethodReturns a value that indicates whether the data view supports filtering.  
public MethodReturns a value that indicates whether the remove method overloads are implemented.  
public MethodReturns a value that indicates whether the data view supports sorting.  
public Method  
public MethodReturns the number of items in the current view after client-side filtering/sorting/paging have been applied.  
public Method  
public MethodStarts editing of an element at the index.  
public Method  
public MethodReturns the current value of the property in the element at the specified index.  
public MethodReturns the element array before applying client-side filtering/sorting/paging.  
public MethodReturns the index of the element in current view  
public MethodReturns a value indicating whether the element being edited is added by the add(item) methods.  
public MethodReturns an element in the view by index.  
public Method  
public Method  
public MethodThe refresh method reloads the DataView, and provides an object to which you can bind event handlers such as the .then() method. See deferred.then() in the jQuery API documentation for more information.  
public MethodRemoves an element at the specified index.  
public MethodSets the value of the property in the element.  
public MethodRegisters Subcription of changes for current view.  
public MethodConverts the element array of current view after filter, sort and paging have been applied to Obervable Array.  
public MethodTriggers the changes for current view.  
See Also


wijmo.data Namespace