Creates an object to use as the tooltip, or hint, when the mouse is over a chart element.
Type: wijmo.chart.chart_hint
animated: "fade",
calloutFilled: false,
calloutFilledStyle: {fill: "#000"},
compass: "north",
content: null,
contentStyle: {fill: "#d1d1d1", "font-size": 16},
duration: 120,
easing: "easeOutExpo",
enable: true,
hideAnimated: "fade",
hideDelay: 150,
hideDuration: 120,
hideEasing: "easeOutExpo",
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
showAnimated: "fade",
showCallout: true,
showDelay: 150,
showDuration: 120,
showEasing: "easeOutExpo",
style: {fill: "270-#333333-#000000", "stroke-width": "2"},
title: null,
titleStyle: {fill: "#d1d1d1", "font-size": 16},