Wijmo UI for the Web
chart_axis Interface
wijmo.chart Namespace : chart_axis Interface

The axis option, inherited by each chart from jquery.wijmo.wijchartcore.js, is an object containing all of the information to create the X and Y axes of the chart.

Type: Object

Sets the alignment of the X axis text.
Default: "center"
Type: String

The annoFormatString option uses Standard Numeric Format Strings to provide formatting for numeric values in axis labels.

Default: ""
Type: String
Example Code:


The annoMethod option indicates how to label values along the axis.


A value that indicates whether to calculate the major tick mark values automatically.

 FieldThis option is obsolete. The maximum value is automatically calculated by default, and this automation is now turned off when you change the max option.  
 FieldThis option is obsolete. The minimum value is automatically calculated by default, and this automation is now turned off when you change the min option.  
A value that indicates whether to calculate the minor tick mark values automatically. If you set this value to false, in order to show minor tick marks on the axis, you must specify a value for the unitMinor option.
Default: true
Type: Boolean
A value that indicates where to draw the X axis using the four points of a compass.
Default: "south"
Type: String
Valid Values:
  • "north" Draws the axis along the top edge of the chart.
  • "south" Draws the axis along the bottom edge of the chart.
  • "east" Draws the axis along the right edge of the chart.
  • "west" Draws the axis along the left edge of the chart.
A value that provides information for the major grid line.
Default: {visible:false, style:{stroke:"#CACACA","stroke-dasharray":"- "}}
Type: Object
A value that provides information for the minor grid line.
Default: {visible:false, style:{stroke:"#CACACA","stroke-dasharray":"- "}}
Type: Object
A value that provides information for the labels.
Default: {style: {fill: "#333","font-size": 11},textAlign: "near",width:null}
Type: Object



A value that indicates the maximum value of the axis.

Default Value: null

Data Type: double nullable


A value that indicates the minimum value of the axis.

Default Value: null

Data Type: double nullable

A value that indicates the origin value of the X axis.
Default: null
Type: Number
A value that indicates the style of the X axis. For more information on the available style parameters, see the Style Options topic.
Default: {stroke: "#999999", "stroke-width": 0.5}
Type: Object
Sets the text to use for the X axis title.
Default: ""
Type: string
A value that indicates the style of text of the X axis.
Note: Any style options set in the fallback textStyle option are used for any style options that are not set explicitly (or set by default) in this option.
For more information on the available style parameters, see the Style Options topic.
Default: {fill: "#888","font-size": 15,"font-weight": "bold"}
Type: Object
A value that indicates the visibility of the X axis text.
Default: true
Type: Boolean
Creates an object with all of the settings to use in drawing tick marks that appear next to the numeric labels for major values along the X axis..
Default: {position: "none", style: {fill: "black"}, factor: 1}
Type: Object
A value that provides information for the minor tick.
Default: {position:"none", style:{fill:"black"}, factor:1}
Type: Object
A value that indicates the units between major tick marks.
Default: null
Type: Number
A value that indicates the units between minor tick marks.
Default: null
Type: Number
The valueLabels option shows a collection of valueLabels for the X axis.
Default: []
Type: Array
A value that indicates the visibility of the X axis.
Default: true
Type: Boolean
See Also


wijmo.chart Namespace