Wijmo UI for the Web
wijtreemap jQuery Widget

Data visualization tool that allows you to display a large volume, space-constrained

hierarchical data in a single rectangular space.

$(function () {
    var options; // Type:  wijmo.treemap.wijtreemap.options
function wijtreemap() : any;
public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates the field to each item's color Default color field is 'color' if colorBinding is not set.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates the array to use as a source that you can bind to treemap.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates the height of the treemap in pixels.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates the field to each item's label Default label field is 'label' if labelBinding is not set.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates a function which is used to format the label of treemap item.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates the color of max value.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates max value. If this option is not set, treemap will calculate max value automatically.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates the color of mid value.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates mid value. If this option is not set, treemap will calculate mid value automatically.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates the color of min value.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates min value. If this option is not set, treemap will calculate min value automatically.

public Option

Default value: false

A value that indicates whether to show back button after treemap drilled down.

public Option

Default value: true

A value that indicates whether to show the label.

public Option

Default value: true

A value that indicates whether to show the title.

public Option

Default value: false

A value that indicates whether to show the tooltip.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates a function which is used to format the title of treemap item.

public Option

Default value: 20

A value that indicates the height of the title.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates options of tooltip.

public Option

Default value: 'squarified'

A value that indicates the type of treemap to be displayed.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates the field to each item's value. Default value field is 'value' if valueBinding is not set.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates the width of the treemap in pixels.

public MethodThe destroy method will remove the treemap functionality completely and will return the element to its pre-init state.  
public MethodThis method refreshes the treemap.  
public MethodReturns a jQuery object containing the original element or other relevant generated element.  
public EventThis event fires after drill down.  
public EventThis event fires before drill down. This event can be cancelled, use "return false;" to cancel the event.  
public EventThis event fires after item is painted.  
public EventThis event fires before item is painting. User can create customize item in this event.  
public EventThis event fires after treemap is painted.  
public EventThis event fires before treemap is painting.  
public EventThis event fires after roll up.  
public EventThis event fires before roll up. This event can be cancelled, use "return false;" to cancel the event.  
See Also


wijtreemap jQuery Widget