Wijmo UI for the Web
wijtooltip jQuery Widget
Show a popup tooltip or an overlay that provides information about a target element in a callout or small box. Embed any HTML, images, and text to create a fully customized tooltip.
$(function () {
    var options; // Type:  wijmo.tooltip.wijtooltip.options
function wijtooltip() : any;
public Option

Default value: null

A function that defines a callback when AJAX is uesd to set the content property.

public Option

Sets the showAnimation and hideAnimation options if they are not specified individually.

public Option

Sets the callout's offset changing animation.

public Option

Default value: false

Determines the callout's class style. If true, then the callout triangle is filled.

public Option

Default value: 'auto'

Determines how to close the tooltip. Behaviors include auto or sticky.

public Option

Default value: ""

Sets the tooltip's content.

public Option

Default value: null

Determines the height of the tooltip.

public Option

Default value: null

Determines the width of the tooltip.

public Option

Default value: ""

A value that indicates whether to set user-defined class.

public Option

Default value: null

Determines which group the tooltip belongs to.

public Option

Determines whether the animation effect can be seen.

public Option

Default value: 150

Determines the length of the delay before the tooltip disappears.

public Option

Default value: false

A value that indicates whether to show the modal tooltip.

public Option

Default value: false

If true, then the tooltip moves with the mouse.

public Option

Sets the tooltip's position mode in relation to the 'relativeTo', 'offsetX', and 'offsetY' properties.

public Option

Determines the animation effect that will be shown.

public Option

Default value: true

Determines whether to show the callout element.

public Option

Default value: 150

Determines the length of the delay before the tooltip appears.

public Option

Default value: ""

Specifies a value that sets the tooltip's title.

public Option

Default value: 'hover'

Sets the event that will cause the tooltip to appear.

public MethodRemoves the wijtooltip functionality completely. This returns the element back to its pre-init state.  
public MethodHides the tooltip.  
public MethodShows the tooltip  
public MethodShows the tooltip at the specified position  
public MethodReturns the wijtooltip element.  
public EventTriggered once the tooltip is hidden.  
public EventTriggered before hiding the tooltip.If data.cancel is set to true, then the tooltip is no longer hidden  
public EventTrigegred before showing the tooltip. Use return false; to cancel the event and stop showing the tooltip.  
public EventTriggered once the tooltip has shown.  
See Also




wijtooltip jQuery Widget