Wijmo UI for the Web
wijpager jQuery Widget
Scan through elements or pages using numeric pages or next and previous buttons.
$(function () {
    var options; // Type:  wijmo.pager.wijpager.options
function wijpager() : any;
public OptionThe create option is inherited from jQueryUI.  
public Option

Default value: false

Determines whether the widget is disabled. If set to true, the control appears dimmed and does not respond when clicked.

public Option

An option that indicates the class of the first-page button. You can set this option with any of the jQuery UI CSS Framework icons.

public Option

Default value: 'First'

An option that indicates the text to display for the first-page button. The text will display like a tooltip when a user hovers over the first-page button.

public Option

An option that indicates the class of the last-page button. You can set this option with any of the jQuery UI CSS Framework icons.

public Option

Default value: 'Last'

An option that indicates the text to display for the last-page button. The text will display like a tooltip when a user hovers over the last-page button.

public Option

Default value: 'numeric'

This option determines the pager mode. The possible values for this option are: "nextPrevious", "nextPreviousFirstLast", "numeric", "numericFirstLast".

public Option

An option that indicates the class of the next-page button. You can set this option with any of the jQuery UI CSS Framework Icons.

public Option

Default value: 'Next'

An option that indicates the text to display for the next-page button. The text appears like a tooltip when a user hovers over the next-page button.

public Option

Default value: 10

An option that indicates the number of page buttons to display in the pager. You can customize how many page buttons are available for your users to use to page through content. You can use this option in conjunction with the pageCount to customize the pager display.

public Option

Default value: 1

An option that indicates the total number of pages. This option allows you to customize the total number of pages that your users will be able to page through. You can use this option in conjunction with the pageButtonCount to customize the pager display.

public Option

Default value: 0

An option that indicates the zero-based index of the current page. By default, your pager will display with the first pager button highlighted since its index is 0.

public Option

An option that indicates the class of the previous-page button. You can set this option with any of the jQuery UI CSS Framework Icons.

public Option

Default value: 'Previous'

An option that indicates the text to display for the previous-page button. The text appears like a tooltip when a user hovers over the previous-page button.

public MethodRemoves the dialog functionality completely. This will return the element back to its pre-init state.  
public MethodReturns a jQuery object containing the original element or other relevant generated element.  
public EventThe pageIndexChanged event handler is a function called when the page index is changed.  
public EventThe pageIndexChanging event handler is a function called when page index is changing. This item is cancellable if you return false.  
See Also




wijpager jQuery Widget