Wijmo UI for the Web
wijitemslayer jQuery Widget
Allow users to add and visualize different elements to be displayed on the map tiles.
$(function () {
    var options; // Type:  wijmo.maps.wijitemslayer.options
function wijitemslayer() : any;
public Option

Type: wijmo.maps.IPoint

The current center of the layer, in geographic unit.

public Option

Type: wijmo.maps.ICoordConverter

The converter used to convert the coordinates in geograhic unit (longitude and latitude), logic unit(percentage) and screen unit (pixel).

public Option

Indicates whether the layer is disabled or not.

public Option

Specifies whether the map is on zooming.

public Option

Type: wijmo.maps.IPoint

The target center of the layer, in geographic unit.

public Option

The target zoom of the layer.

public Option

The type of the wijlayer. Wijmaps supports built-in vector, items and virtual layer. For custom layer, the type is "custom".

public Option

The current zoom of the layer.

public MethodCalled when the wijmaps begins to update the layer status.  
public MethodRemoves the wijitemslayer functionality completely. This will return the element back to its pre-init state.  
public MethodCalled when the wijmaps ends update the layer status. The layer will be updated after this function called.  
public MethodForce to request the data to get the newest one.  
public MethodUpdate the layer, redraw the layer if needed. It's called when the center and zoom changed.  
public MethodReturns a jQuery object containing the original element or other relevant generated element.  
public EventThe function to be called when request the data.  
See Also


wijitemslayer jQuery Widget