Wijmo UI for the Web
Markup and Scripting
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > TreeMap > Markup and Scripting

The HTML markup for a wijtreemap widget looks like this.

Copy Code
<div id="treemap" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;"></div>

You can initialize and add data to the widget with the following jQuery script.

Copy Code
<script id="scriptInit" type="text/javascript">
    require(["wijmo.wijtreemap"], function () {
        $(document).ready(function () {          
            showTooltip: true,
            maxColor: "#99FF66",
            minColor: "#FF6666",
            midColor: "#66FFFF",
            maxColorValue: 30,
            minColorValue: 15,
            midColorValue: 25,
            data: [{
                label: "World",
                value: 100,
                items: [{

                    label: "Continent A",
                    value: 70,
                    minColor: "#D1A3FF",
                    maxColor: "#3399FF",
                    midColor: "#9494FF",
                    items: [{
                        label: "Country A.1",
                        value: 40,
                        items: [{
                            label: "State A.1.1",
                            value: 10
                        }, {
                            label: "State A.1.2",
                            value: 15
                        }, {
                            label: "State A.1.3",
                            value: 15
                    }, {
                        label: "Country A.2",
                        value: 30,
                        items: [{
                            label: "State A.2.1",
                            value: 20
                        }, {
                            label: "State A.2.2",
                            value: 10
                }, {
                    label: "Continent B",
                    value: 30,
                    minColor: "#D1A3FF",
                    maxColor: "#3399FF",
                    midColor: "#9494FF",
                    items: [{
                        label: "Country B.1",
                        value: 18,
                        items: [{
                            label: "State B.1.1",
                            value: 10
                        }, {
                            label: "State B.1.2",
                            value: 8
                    }, {
                        label: "Country B.2",
                        value: 12,
                        items: [{
                            label: "State B.2.1",
                            value: 7
                        }, {
                            label: "State B.2.2",
                            value: 5
            labelFormatter: function () {
                return this.label;
    }); })

The markup and script featured here results in the following live widget. Click a region to go to child level and right click to return back to parent level.

See Also
