Wijmo UI for the Web
Apply CSS Styles
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Chart Widgets > BubbleChart > BubbleChart How To > Apply CSS Styles

It's easy to change the appearance of the widget to your specification using a few of the wijbubblechart's options. In the following script using the seriesStyles option, the gradient is listed first and then the two fill colors that will be graded. The stroke color is changed last:


Sample Script
Copy Code
seriesStyles: [{
    fill: "180-#8F8F8F-#C462AC", stroke: "#8F8F8F"
    }, {
    fill: "45-#C462AC-#2371B0", stroke: "#C462AC"
    }, {
    fill: "90-#4A067D-#0B7D19", stroke: "#4A067D"
    }, {
    fill: "270-#2371B0-#6AABA7", stroke: "#2371B0"
    }, {
    fill: "45-#0C85F0-#852E85", stroke: "#0C85F0"
    }, {
    fill: "180-#6AABA7-#AB6A9C", stroke: "#6AABA7"

When you run your application, it will look like the following image:

If you'd like to change the marker types, use the seriesList markers property:


Sample Script
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seriesList: [{
         label: "China",
         legendEntry: true,
         data: { y: [73], x: [7931], y1: [1340]
         markers: {
            type: "cross"
        label: "India",
        legendEntry: true,
        data: { y: [65], x: [2972], y1: [1150] },
        markers: {
            type: "diamond"
        label: "USA",
        legendEntry: true,
        data: { y: [78], x: [42066], y1: [309] },
        markers: { type: "circle" }
        label: "Japan",
        legendEntry: true,
        data: { y: [83], x: [30866], y1: [126] },
        markers: {
            type: "cross"
        label: "Russia",
        legendEntry: true,
        data: { y: [69], x: [14318], y1: [140] },
        markers: {
            type: "circle"
        label: "Congo",
        legendEntry: true,
        data: { y: [48], x: [374], y1: [72] },
        markers: {
            type: "diamond"

When you run your application, it will look like the following image:

Note: Each set of data in the seriesList option uses a different marker type. The available marker types are box, circle, cross, diamond, invertedTri, and tri. The wijbubblechart has been used to illustrate the available markers in the image below.

See Also

