Wijmo UI for the Web
Add a TrendLine
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Chart Widgets > CandlestickChart > CandlestickChart How To > Add a TrendLine

Building on the Quick Start example, you can add a trend line to your chart using attributes of the seriesList option.

  1. In the <head> section of your HTML file, replace the script that includes the document ready function with this one, which uses data more suited to a trend line, and adds a trend line to the seriesList option using the following TrendLine attributes:
    • isTrendLine: Set this value to true to indicate that the series item is a trend line rather than a regular data item.
    • order: Set this value to 4 to indicate the number of terms to use for the polynom equation (default fitType is polynom).
    • data: Bind the data x value to "x," and the y value to "close" to create the trend line using closing values from the chart.
    Copy Code
    <script id="scriptInit" type="text/javascript">
            var data = [{
                x: new Date("1/2/2012"),
                high: 15,
                low: 13,
                open: 13.9,
                close: 13.2
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/3/2012"),
                high: 14,
                low: 12,
                open: 13.2,
                close: 12.8
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/4/2012"),
                high: 13,
                low: 11,
                open: 12.8,
                close: 11.7
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/5/2012"),
                high: 12,
                low: 11,
                open: 11.7,
                close: 11.2
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/6/2012"),
                high: 11.5,
                low: 10,
                open: 11.2,
                close: 10.5
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/9/2012"),
                high: 10.9,
                low: 9,
                open: 10.5,
                close: 9.4
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/10/2012"),
                high: 10,
                low: 8,
                open: 9.4,
                close: 8.9
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/11/2012"),
                high: 9,
                low: 7.5,
                open: 8.9,
                close: 8.4
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/12/2012"),
                high: 9.5,
                low: 7.9,
                open: 8.4,
                close: 8
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/13/2012"),
                high: 10,
                low: 7.5,
                open: 8,
                close: 8.6
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/16/2012"),
                high: 12,
                low: 8.6,
                open: 8.6,
                close: 11
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/17/2012"),
                high: 11,
                low: 4.4,
                open: 11,
                close: 6.2
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/18/2012"),
                high: 14,
                low: 4.2,
                open: 6.2,
                close: 13.8
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/19/2012"),
                high: 16,
                low: 8,
                open: 13.8,
                close: 15
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/20/2012"),
                high: 20,
                low: 9,
                open: 15,
                close: 14
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/23/2012"),
                high: 18,
                low: 11,
                open: 14,
                close: 12
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/24/2012"),
                high: 17,
                low: 10,
                open: 12,
                close: 16
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/25/2012"),
                high: 17.5,
                low: 12.2,
                open: 16,
                close: 15
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/26/2012"),
                high: 20,
                low: 12,
                open: 15,
                close: 17
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/27/2012"),
                high: 22,
                low: 16,
                open: 17,
                close: 18
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/30/2012"),
                high: 21,
                low: 15.5,
                open: 18,
                close: 17.2
            }, {
                x: new Date("1/31/2012"),
                high: 22.5,
                low: 16,
                open: 17.2,
                close: 18.5
            require(["wijmo.wijcandlestickchart"], function () {
            $(document).ready(function () {
                    dataSource: data,
                    legend: {visible: false},
                    seriesList: [{
                        data: {
                            x: {bind: "x"}, 
                            high: {bind: "high"}, 
                            low: {bind: "low"}, 
                            open: {bind: "open"}, 
                            close: {bind: "close"}
                        isTrendline: true,
                        order: 4,
                        label: "Trend",
                        data: {
                            x: {bind: "x"}, 
                            y: {bind: "close"} 
  2. No changes are necessary in the <body> section of your HTML file. The basic <div> tag is sufficient to create the widget.
  3. Save your HTML file and open it in a browser. The widget appears like the one in the live widget below, with the TrendLine added to the chart.

See Also


