Spread.Sheets Documentation
ConditionalFormats type
GC.Spread.Sheets.ConditionalFormatting Namespace : ConditionalFormats type
Represents a format condition class.
var instance = new GC.Spread.Sheets.ConditionalFormatting.ConditionalFormats(worksheet);
function ConditionalFormats;
Inheritance Hierarchy


public ConstructorRepresents a format condition class.  
public MethodAdds the two scale rule to the rule collection.  
public MethodAdds the three scale rule to the rule collection.  
public MethodAdds an average rule to the rule collection.  
public MethodAdds the cell value rule to the rule collection.  
public MethodAdds a data bar rule to the rule collection.  
public MethodAdds the date occurring rule to the rule collection.  
public MethodAdds a duplicate rule to the rule collection.  
public MethodAdds the formula rule to the rule collection.  
public MethodAdds an icon set rule to the rule collection.  
public MethodAdds the rule.  
public MethodAdds the text rule to the rule collection.  
public MethodAdds the top 10 rule or bottom 10 rule to the collection based on the Top10CondtionType object.  
public MethodAdds a unique rule to the rule collection.  
public MethodRemoves all rules.  
public MethodDetermines whether the specified cell contains a specified rule.  
public MethodGets the number of rule objects in the collection.  
public MethodGets the rule using the index.  
public MethodGets the conditional rules from the cell at the specified row and column.  
public MethodRemoves a rule object from the ConditionalFormats object.  
public MethodRemoves the rules from a specified cell range.  
See Also


GC.Spread.Sheets.ConditionalFormatting Namespace
Using Conditional Formatting